miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020


Strong relationship are not made
in giant,
sweeping strokes,
but in continuity of
little connections
and kindness,
laying down besides you
and listen
when anything doing
can't happen,
take new experiences
every moment
and give same
every moment,
together making revival strategies,
following up in their
bad times,
enjoying equally
their great times,
sharing vulnerabilities,
asking for help
and advice
thus making your pal valued,
self-disclosure with
right person
creates unending trust
so mutually beneficial,
relying on humility and
recognition of human fallibility,
Commitment and giving
the permission to feel safe
in their own skin
is the key,
and results are there
for all to see,
solid friendship can help you
shed pounds,
sleep better
at times weep better,
quit smoking
and support you through illness,
in friend so fragile
in build and make up
you find an unequal king,
this is so true for human
and individual friendship
so equally true for friendship
between nations,
we can vouch
without malice towards anyone
and aberrations.

Ashish Kumar Pathak -India-

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