domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2020



He is always my pillar when I know I've fall

Through the good times and the bad, but he is really so much more;

To deserve a hug every morning to fortune and success

He teaches me with purpose, guides me in all Godly ways,

Whenever I've problems, he is there to assist,

He knows his masterpiece is complete of every single game;

Each has all the patience wisdom brings, and thanks to a hammer that stray from its mark,

Every affectionate smile you give me, he always brings me lots of joy;

Purify heart and eye, that even though I've gone from earth,

He creates a sense of stability and security, a place to call home

I feel a bit sad for others I see, who don't have a great father, like me.

I'm happy you're my Dad, from your forever grateful kid.

Dr. Brajesh Kumar Gupta “Mewadev”

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