sábado, 22 de agosto de 2020


 Zero line: LOC of a relationship 

Standing on the shoreline 

looking at the waves,

Unrest there day and night

 for dawn and dusk are raved.

Looking at the  distant land

 and looking at the sea,

They are in  green and blue 

for their spilling out glee.

One is standing miles for ages 

Other tenders his knees,

But  the shore acts as  bufferline 

Always rejects his plea. 

 Both are trying at the shore

the zeroline of their touch, 

Though hands in hands all they stand

Their identities beat them most.

When their utter distress makes its stay

 people comment and say,

"the  distant land and far the sea"

To keep them at their bay.

Zero line; 2 

A symphony of the symptomatic life

drums always to end its strife,

Sometimes ahead and sometimes behind

It is safe to choose the zeroline.

It is the margin to start a love

And the margin of sensual zest,

A step ahead is encroachment, 

But a step behind is negligence.

Paramananda Mahanta 

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