sábado, 25 de enero de 2020


The golden sparrow fled away
From the hidden wall of faith,
Of idle worship in a nation
For original minds became slaves.
People shit their own fellowmen
In a great nation of sharing and caring,
Now stay slothful for their selfish chums
When She has been suffering.
She is with her shaken dreams
For these beggar means,
Men and women seek
Even after all the kicks.
Not uttering a word of mutance
Now in a bondage of silent hearts,
With raw wine by the agencies
Of appeasement for a vote
To a party in the power lane.
I never heard such oily love on bait
Such Beggar Means a shame
And a lollipop to paints Her pain,
When She is down they whistle for gain
All who sleep longer now get thier train,
For their silence and buried freedom.
They tear country for own pleasure
It is who heightened sense in suffer,
And suffer long for their good work
They spotted as mere labourers.
Their throats are now stifled
For the aches of their tags
Their love fade like in whore,
A shining nation is sinking
For we make idle roar.

Paramananda Mahanta

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